Studio Blog, 07/24/2023

Frank has gotten some upgrades.

This weekends experiments with the modular were very fruitful. After taking such a long break from the modular being my go-to instrument, it feels almost new. I am rediscovering why I love modular synthesis in the first place and getting some great sounds out of it. Here are the bullet points from this weekends experiments:

  • The STG Sound labs oscillators are fantastic. Two of them + the .COM module to give you a square sub into a .MIX is all the analog bass synth you need.

  • Mutable Plaits and Rings: I get it now, though I may sell my original Plaits for a clone. The originals are worth twice second hand what the clones are new and function exactly the same.

  • Speaking of clones...After Later Audio is basically making clones of all the old Mutable stuff and no one seems to be complaining...Behringer makes a clone of Plaits and everyone loses their minds. This says something...

  • I am really feeling good about my sequencing setup. Hermod+ is the brain I was looking for. Using it as the master clock for the system and integration with the external world is very effective. This leaves a few modules in my rig redundant.

  • I want to move the STG sequencing modules to their own case (Time Buffer, Time Divider, Graphic Sequencer and Trigger Sequencer) to their own case and then add additional GS and TS to it. I want this to live with my Behringer 2600 clone as it's own separate rig.

  • I got a Metropolix and sold my Voltage Block and Varigate 8. The voltage block, I don't miss. The Varigate, though? That was a mistake. I do really need a trigger sequencer that can do probability.

  • I think I want a percussion module of some kind. Not sure which of the many out there, but I have a section of the rig near the sequencers that would be an ideal spot.

  • How many ADSR EGs do I need? I currently only have one. Do I need 4 more? Two more?

  • The 1010music Blue Box is the perfect tiny mixer companion to my modular.

Next up, some actual recording. I need to set the modular aside and get gear setup so I can record the song I was working before I did the rebuild. Also the floor is an epic mess. I need a stay-cation to catch up on it.


Coming Down


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